Priser Nintendo NES – 2024 |
Vi köper |
Nintendo Enhet märkt Bergsala + 2 kontroller |
300 |
Extra handkontroll |
50 |
Zapper pistol |
75 |
Joystick |
10 |
Nes advantage Joypad |
150 |
Spelmatta |
200 |
Nin10case |
150 |
Spel utan box. Svensksålda landskoderna SCN, EEC och vissa European verion och ESP. |
(Spel med kartong beror på skick men utgår från cirka dubbla värdet) |
Vi köper |
Addams Family |
200 |
Adventure in magic Kingdom |
150 |
Adventure Island 2 |
200 |
Aladdin |
500 |
Anticipation |
100 |
Asterix (FRA Svensksåld) |
150 |
Athletic world (Kräver spelmatta) |
150 |
Balloon fight |
200 |
Batman the video game |
150 |
Batman return of the Joker |
300 |
Battle of olympus |
100 |
Battletoads |
300 |
Bayou Billy |
100 |
Bigfoot |
100 |
Bionic commando |
100 |
Blades of steel |
50 |
Blaster master |
100 |
Blue shadow |
150 |
Bubble Bobble |
250 |
Bucky O’hare |
400 |
Captain Planet |
150 |
Captain Skyhawk (ESP Svensksåld) |
300 |
Castlevania |
200 |
Castlevania 2 |
150 |
Castlevania 3 |
600 |
Chessmaster |
100 |
Chip & Dale |
150 |
Chip & Dale 2 |
750 |
Clu Clu Land |
200 |
Cobra Triangle |
100 |
Crash Dummies |
300 |
Darkwing Duck |
400 |
Days of Thunder |
150 |
Defender of the crown |
100 |
Deja vu (På Svenska) |
150 |
Devil World |
450 |
Die Hard |
400 |
Donkey kong |
200 |
Donkey kong 3 |
200 |
Donkey Kong Classics |
200 |
Donkey kong Jr |
200 |
Double Dragon (ESP Svensksåld) |
150 |
Double Dragon 2 |
200 |
Double Dragon 3 |
200 |
Double dribble |
50 |
Dr. Mario |
150 |
Dragons Lair |
100 |
Duck Hunt (Kräver pistol) |
100 |
Duck Tales |
150 |
Duck Tales 2 |
500 |
Eliminator boat duel |
600 |
Excite bike |
100 |
F15 Strike eagle (På Svenska) |
100 |
Faxanadu |
100 |
Festers Quest |
100 |
Fighting Golf |
50 |
Flintstones – The rescue of Dino & happy |
150 |
Flintstones – The surprise if dinosaur peak |
2000 |
Four Player Tennis (ESP Svensksåld) |
200 |
Gargoyles Quest 2 |
600 |
Gauntlet 2 |
150 |
George Foreman (ESP Svensksåld) |
250 |
Ghost & Goblins |
150 |
Ghostbusters 2 |
150 |
Goal (ESP Svensksåld) |
150 |
Gold medal challenge 92 |
750 |
Golf |
50 |
Goonies 2 |
100 |
Gradius |
100 |
Gremlins 2 |
100 |
Guardian legend |
200 |
Gum shoe (Kräver pistol) |
150 |
Gunsmoke |
250 |
Hammerin Harry (ESP Svensksåld) |
600 |
High Speed pinball (ESP Svensksåld) |
200 |
Hogans Alley (Kräver pistol) |
150 |
Ice Climber |
100 |
Ice Hockey |
100 |
Ikari warriors |
100 |
Jack Nicklaus Golf |
50 |
Jetsons |
1000 |
Joe & Mac |
250 |
Journey to Silius |
300 |
Jungle Book |
300 |
Jurassic Park |
400 |
Kick Off |
100 |
Kid Icarus |
150 |
Kirbys Adventure |
500 |
Knight Rider |
100 |
Kung Fu |
150 |
Lemmings |
300 |
Life Force Salamander |
150 |
Lion King |
400 |
Little Nemo Dreammaster |
100 |
Little Samson |
1000 |
Lolo |
300 |
Lolo 2 |
200 |
Lolo 3 |
300 |
Mach Rider |
100 |
Maniac Mansion (På Svenska) |
150 |
Mario & Yoshi |
250 |
Mario Bros |
150 |
Mc Donaldland |
300 |
Mega Man |
300 |
Mega Man 2 |
250 |
Mega Man 3 |
250 |
Mega Man 4 |
500 |
Mega Man 5 |
1000 |
Metal Gear |
100 |
Metroid |
250 |
Mission Impossible |
100 |
Mr Gimmick |
3750 |
Nes open Golf |
100 |
Nintendo World cup |
100 |
North & South |
300 |
Panic Restaurant |
1000 |
Paperboy |
100 |
Pinball |
100 |
Popey |
150 |
Power Blade |
150 |
Prince of Persia |
300 |
Pro am racing |
150 |
Pro am racing 2 |
2000 |
Pro Wrestling |
100 |
Probotector |
200 |
Punch out |
250 |
Punch out (Mike Tyson Grå) |
250 |
Puzznic |
100 |
Quantum Fighter |
100 |
Racket Attack (ESP Svensksålt) |
150 |
Rad Gravity |
100 |
Rad Racer |
100 |
Rescue |
100 |
Road Fighter |
100 |
Robin Hood |
200 |
Robo warrior |
100 |
Robocop |
150 |
Robocop 3 (ESP Svensksålt) |
500 |
Rockin Kats |
250 |
Roller Games |
100 |
Rushn Attack |
100 |
Rygar |
100 |
Section Z |
100 |
Shadow warriors |
150 |
Shadow warriors 2 (ESP Svensksåld) |
400 |
Shadowgate (På Svenska) |
100 |
Shatterhand |
400 |
Side Pocket |
200 |
Silent service |
50 |
Simpsons – Bart vs space mutants |
100 |
Simpsons – Bart vs the world |
100 |
Skate or die |
100 |
Ski or die |
100 |
Slalom |
100 |
Smurfarna (FRA Svensksåld) |
150 |
Snake rattle n roll |
150 |
Snakes Revange |
150 |
Soccer |
100 |
Solar Jetman |
100 |
Solomons key |
150 |
Solomons key 2 |
500 |
Solstice |
100 |
Spider-Man (ESP Svensksåld) |
250 |
Spy vs Spy |
150 |
Stadium events (kräver spelmatta) |
2000 |
Star Force |
100 |
Star Tropics |
150 |
Star Wars |
150 |
Stealth |
100 |
Street Gangs |
300 |
Super Mario Bros |
100 |
Super Mario Bros 2 |
150 |
Super Mario Bros 3 |
150 |
Super Mario/Duckhunt |
100 |
Super Mario/Tetris/World Cup |
150 |
Super Off Road |
100 |
Super Turrican |
400 |
Super Spike Volleyball |
100 |
Sword and Serpents |
100 |
Sword Master |
200 |
Tale spin |
150 |
Tecmo Cup Football Game |
150 |
Tennis |
100 |
Terminator 2 |
200 |
Tetris |
150 |
Tiger Heli |
100 |
Tiny Toon |
150 |
Tiny Toon 2 |
500 |
To the Earth (Kräver pistol) |
100 |
Tom & Jerry |
150 |
Top Gun |
50 |
Top Gun Second Mission |
100 |
Total Recall |
200 |
Track & Field 2 |
100 |
Track & Field in Barcelona |
100 |
Trick Shooting (Kräver pistol) |
100 |
Trojan |
100 |
Turtles |
100 |
Turtles 2 |
150 |
Ufouria |
600 |
Werewolf |
100 |
Wild Gunman (Kräver pistol) |
150 |
Willow |
250 |
Wizard & Warriors |
100 |
Wizard & Warriors 2 – Iron sword |
100 |
Wizard & Warriors 3 |
200 |
Volleyball |
100 |
World Wrestling |
100 |
Wrath of the Black Manta |
100 |
Wrecking Crew |
150 |
Xevios |
100 |
Yoshis Cookie |
450 |
Zelda |
300 |
Zelda 2 |
250 |