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Priser Nintendo NES – 2024  
  Vi köper
Nintendo Enhet märkt Bergsala + 2 kontroller 300
Extra handkontroll 50
Zapper pistol 75
Joystick 10
Nes advantage Joypad 150
Spelmatta 200
Nin10case 150
Spel utan box. Svensksålda landskoderna SCN, EEC och vissa European verion och ESP.
(Spel med kartong beror på skick men utgår från cirka dubbla värdet)
  Vi köper
Addams Family 200
Adventure in magic Kingdom 150
Adventure Island 2 200
Aladdin 500
Anticipation 100
Asterix (FRA Svensksåld) 150
Athletic world (Kräver spelmatta) 150
Balloon fight 200
Batman the video game 150
Batman return of the Joker 300
Battle of olympus 100
Battletoads 300
Bayou Billy 100
Bigfoot 100
Bionic commando 100
Blades of steel 50
Blaster master 100
Blue shadow 150
Bubble Bobble 250
Bucky O’hare 400
Captain Planet 150
Captain Skyhawk (ESP Svensksåld) 300
Castlevania 200
Castlevania 2 150
Castlevania 3 600
Chessmaster 100
Chip & Dale 150
Chip & Dale 2 750
Clu Clu Land 200
Cobra Triangle 100
Crash Dummies 300
Darkwing Duck 400
Days of Thunder 150
Defender of the crown 100
Deja vu (På Svenska) 150
Devil World 450
Die Hard 400
Donkey kong 200
Donkey kong 3 200
Donkey Kong Classics 200
Donkey kong Jr 200
Double Dragon (ESP Svensksåld)  150
Double Dragon 2 200
Double Dragon 3 200
Double dribble 50
Dr. Mario 150
Dragons Lair 100
Duck Hunt (Kräver pistol) 100
Duck Tales 150
Duck Tales 2 500
Eliminator boat duel 600
Excite bike 100
F15 Strike eagle (På Svenska) 100
Faxanadu 100
Festers Quest 100
Fighting Golf 50
Flintstones – The rescue of Dino & happy 150
Flintstones – The surprise if dinosaur peak 2000
Four Player Tennis (ESP Svensksåld) 200
Gargoyles Quest 2 600
Gauntlet 2 150
George Foreman (ESP Svensksåld) 250
Ghost & Goblins 150
Ghostbusters 2 150
Goal (ESP Svensksåld) 150
Gold medal challenge 92  750
Golf 50
Goonies 2 100
Gradius 100
Gremlins 2 100
Guardian legend 200
Gum shoe (Kräver pistol) 150
Gunsmoke 250
Hammerin Harry (ESP Svensksåld) 600
High Speed pinball (ESP Svensksåld) 200
Hogans Alley (Kräver pistol) 150
Ice Climber 100
Ice Hockey 100
Ikari warriors 100
Jack Nicklaus Golf 50
Jetsons 1000
Joe & Mac 250
Journey to Silius 300
Jungle Book 300
Jurassic Park 400
Kick Off 100
Kid Icarus 150
Kirbys Adventure 500
Knight Rider 100
Kung Fu 150
Lemmings 300
Life Force Salamander 150
Lion King 400
Little Nemo Dreammaster 100
Little Samson 1000
Lolo 300
Lolo 2 200
Lolo 3 300
Mach Rider 100
Maniac Mansion (På Svenska) 150
Mario & Yoshi 250
Mario Bros 150
Mc Donaldland 300
Mega Man 300
Mega Man 2 250
Mega Man 3 250
Mega Man 4 500
Mega Man 5 1000
Metal Gear 100
Metroid 250
Mission Impossible 100
Mr Gimmick 3750
Nes open Golf 100
Nintendo World cup 100
North & South 300
Panic Restaurant 1000
Paperboy 100
Pinball 100
Popey 150
Power Blade 150
Prince of Persia 300
Pro am racing 150
Pro am racing 2 2000
Pro Wrestling 100
Probotector 200
Punch out 250
Punch out (Mike Tyson Grå) 250
Puzznic 100
Quantum Fighter 100
Racket Attack (ESP Svensksålt) 150
Rad Gravity 100
Rad Racer 100
Rescue 100
Road Fighter 100
Robin Hood 200
Robo warrior 100
Robocop 150
Robocop 3 (ESP Svensksålt) 500
Rockin Kats 250
Roller Games 100
Rushn Attack 100
Rygar 100
Section Z 100
Shadow warriors 150
Shadow warriors 2 (ESP Svensksåld) 400
Shadowgate (På Svenska) 100
Shatterhand 400
Side Pocket 200
Silent service 50
Simpsons – Bart vs space mutants 100
Simpsons – Bart vs the world 100
Skate or die 100
Ski or die 100
Slalom 100
Smurfarna (FRA Svensksåld) 150
Snake rattle n roll 150
Snakes Revange 150
Soccer 100
Solar Jetman 100
Solomons key 150
Solomons key 2 500
Solstice 100
Spider-Man (ESP Svensksåld) 250
Spy vs Spy 150
Stadium events (kräver spelmatta) 2000
Star Force 100
Star Tropics 150
Star Wars 150
Stealth 100
Street Gangs 300
Super Mario Bros 100
Super Mario Bros 2 150
Super Mario Bros 3 150
Super Mario/Duckhunt 100
Super Mario/Tetris/World Cup 150
Super Off Road 100
Super Turrican 400
Super Spike Volleyball 100
Sword and Serpents 100
Sword Master 200
Tale spin 150
Tecmo Cup Football Game 150
Tennis 100
Terminator 2 200
Tetris 150
Tiger Heli 100
Tiny Toon 150
Tiny Toon 2 500
To the Earth (Kräver pistol) 100
Tom & Jerry 150
Top Gun 50
Top Gun Second Mission 100
Total Recall 200
Track & Field 2 100
Track & Field in Barcelona 100
Trick Shooting (Kräver pistol) 100
Trojan 100
Turtles 100
Turtles 2 150
Ufouria 600
Werewolf 100
Wild Gunman (Kräver pistol) 150
Willow 250
Wizard & Warriors 100
Wizard & Warriors 2 – Iron sword 100
Wizard & Warriors 3 200
Volleyball 100
World Wrestling 100
Wrath of the Black Manta 100
Wrecking Crew 150
Xevios 100
Yoshis Cookie 450
Zelda 300
Zelda 2 250