Priser Sega Megadrive -2024 | |
| Vi köper |
Sega Megadrive 1 med 1 kontroll | 200 |
Sega Megadrive 2 med 1 kontroll | 200 |
Extra handkontroll original | 75 |
| |
Med fodral och manual på Engelska | |
Saknad manual dras av med 50:- (25:- på 50:-spel) |
| Vi köper |
688 Attack Sub | 50 |
Abrams Battletank | 50 |
Addams family | 175 |
Addams family Values | 250 |
Aero the Acrobat | 200 |
Aero the Acrobat 2 | 400 |
Afterburner 2 | 125 |
Agassi Tennis | 25 |
Air Diver | 75 |
Aladdin | 150 |
Alex Kidd | 100 |
Alien 3 | 150 |
Alien Soldier | 500 |
Alien storm | 250 |
Alisia dragon | 200 |
Altered beast | 75 |
Amazing Tennis | 25 |
Andretti racing | 50 |
Animaniacs | 100 |
Another World | 75 |
Aquatic games | 100 |
Arcade classics | 75 |
Arcade Revenge | 75 |
Arch rivals basket | 75 |
Ariel -Little Mermaid | 100 |
Arnold Palmer Golf | 25 |
Arrow Flash | 300 |
Art alive | 50 |
Art of fighting | 250 |
Asterix | 75 |
Asterix and the power of | 200 |
Atomic runner | 300 |
Back to the future 3 | 100 |
Ball Jacks | 100 |
Ballz 3D | 75 |
Bart vs the space mutants | 125 |
Batman | 250 |
Batman & Robin | 250 |
Batman Forever | 150 |
Batman Returns | 150 |
Battle Frenzy | 100 |
Battle Squadron | 200 |
Battletoads | 200 |
Beavis & Butthead | 100 |
Bio Hazard Battle | 225 |
Blades of Vengance | 75 |
Blockout | 75 |
Bloodshot | 150 |
BOB | 100 |
Bodycount | 500 |
Bonanza Bros | 100 |
Bonkers | 200 |
Boogerman | 150 |
Brian Lara Cricket | 50 |
Brutal | 75 |
Bubba & Stix | 200 |
Bubsy | 75 |
Bubsy 2 | 100 |
Buck Rogers | 100 |
Bugs Bunny | 125 |
Bulls vs Blazers | 25 |
Burning Force | 300 |
California games | 75 |
Cannon fodder | 250 |
Captain America | 250 |
Captain Planet | 100 |
Castle of illusion Mickey Mouse | 125 |
Castlevania Bloodlines | 300 |
Castlevania The New Generation | 500 |
Centurion of rome | 100 |
Chakan | 175 |
Chaos Engine | 250 |
Cheese Cat Astrophe Sppedy Gonzales | 250 |
Chiki chiki boys | 250 |
Choplifter 3 | 100 |
Chuck rock | 100 |
Chuck rock 2 | 150 |
Clayfighter | 125 |
Cliffhanger | 75 |
College Football | 25 |
Columns | 75 |
Combat cars | 100 |
Comix Zone | 300 |
Cool spot | 100 |
Corporation | 75 |
Cosmic Spacehead | 75 |
Crack down | 100 |
Crash Dummies | 100 |
Crueball | 125 |
Cutthroat Island | 100 |
Cyberball | 75 |
Daffy Duck In Hollywood | 100 |
Dark castle | 100 |
Darwin 4081 | 100 |
David Robinsons Basket | 25 |
Davis Cup Tennis | 25 |
Decap attack | 100 |
Demolition Man | 1000 |
Desert Demolition | 150 |
Desert strike | 75 |
Dick tracy | 75 |
Dino Dinis Soccer | 50 |
DJ Boy | 100 |
Donald In Maui Mallard | 150 |
Double Clutch | 100 |
Double Dragon | 300 |
Double Dragon 3 | 200 |
Dr Robotniks | 200 |
Dracula | 100 |
Dragon | 100 |
Dragons Fury | 100 |
Dragons Revenge | 100 |
Dune 2 | 250 |
Dungeons & Dragons | 150 |
Dynamite Duke | 175 |
Dynamite Headdy | 150 |
EA Double Header 2in1 | 50 |
EA Hockey | 25 |
Earthworm Jim | 150 |
Earthworm Jim 2 | 150 |
Ecco Jr | 500 |
Ecco the Dolphin | 100 |
Ecco Tides of Time | 100 |
Elitserien 95 | 75 |
Elitserien 96 | 75 |
Empire of steel | 250 |
Eswat | 75 |
Eternal champions | 100 |
Exo Squad | 300 |
European Club Soccer | 50 |
Evander Holyfield Boxing | 75 |
Ex Mutants | 100 |
F1 Racing | 50 |
F15 Strike Eagle | 100 |
F22 Interceptor | 75 |
Faery tale adventure | 75 |
Fantasia | 125 |
Fantastic Dizzy | 75 |
Fantastic Dizzy / Cosmic Spacehead | 100 |
Fatal fury | 125 |
Fatal fury 2 | 125 |
Fatal Labyrinth | 75 |
Fatal rewind | 75 |
Ferrari Grand Prix | 50 |
Fever Pitch Soccer | 25 |
FIFA Soccer | 25 |
FIFA Soccer 95 | 25 |
FIFA Soccer 96 | 50 |
FIFA Soccer 97 | 75 |
FIFA 98 Road to world cup | 125 |
Final Fight | 100 |
Fire Shark | 75 |
Flashback | 100 |
Flicky | 150 |
Flink | 500 |
Flintstones | 175 |
Foreman for real | 100 |
Forgotten Worlds | 150 |
Fun & Games | 50 |
G-Loc | 100 |
Gain ground | 150 |
Galahad | 150 |
Galaxy force 2 | 100 |
Garfield | 100 |
Gauntlet 4 | 100 |
General Chaos | 150 |
Generation Lost | 100 |
George Foreman Boxing | 75 |
Ghostbusters | 250 |
Ghouls & Ghosts | 250 |
Global Gladiators | 100 |
Gods | 75 |
Golden Axe | 175 |
Golden Axe 2 | 175 |
Golden Axe 3 | 175 |
Granada | 150 |
Grandslam Tennis | 25 |
Greendog | 100 |
Gunship | 100 |
Gunstar Collection | 500 |
Gunstar Heroes | 750 |
Gynoug | 175 |
Hard driving | 75 |
Hardball | 50 |
Hardball 3 | 50 |
Hardball 94 | 50 |
Haunting starring Polterguy | 250 |
Hellfire | 300 |
Herzog Zwei | 500 |
Home Alone | 75 |
Home Alone 2 | 75 |
Hook | 300 |
Hurricanes | 250 |
IMG Tennis | 25 |
Immortal | 100 |
Incredible Hulk | 150 |
Indiana Jones | 100 |
Int superstar Soccer | 25 |
James Bond the duel | 175 |
James Pond | 100 |
James Pond 2 | 100 |
James Pond 3 | 100 |
Jewel Master | 175 |
Joe Montana Football | 25 |
Joe Montana Football 2 | 25 |
Joe Montana Football 3 | 25 |
John Madden Football | 25 |
John Madden Football 92 | 25 |
John Madden Football 93 | 25 |
John Madden Football 94 | 25 |
John Madden Football 95 | 25 |
John Madden Football 96 | 50 |
John Madden Football 97 | 50 |
Jordan vs Bird | 25 |
Judge Dredd | 300 |
Jungle Book | 125 |
Jungle strike | 75 |
Jurassic Park | 100 |
Jurassic Park Rampage edition | 250 |
Kawasaki Superbikes | 75 |
Kid chamelon | 100 |
King of the monsters | 100 |
Kings Bounty | 200 |
Klax | 75 |
Knock out Boxing | 75 |
Krustys super fun house | 100 |
Landstalker | 200 |
Last action hero | 100 |
Last battle | 75 |
Lemmings | 100 |
Lemmings Tribes | 100 |
Lhx attack chopper | 75 |
Light Crusader | 175 |
Lion King | 100 |
Lost Vikings | 250 |
Lotus 2 | 50 |
Lotus turbo challenge | 50 |
Marble madness | 75 |
Mario Leameax Hockey | 75 |
Markos magic football | 75 |
Marsupilami | 125 |
Mask | 100 |
Maximum carnage | 350 |
McDonalds Treasure Island | 500 |
Mega Bomberman | 175 |
Mega Games 1 | 100 |
Mega Games 2 | 175 |
Mega Games 6 | 100 |
Mega Lo Mania | 50 |
Mega Man Wily Wars | 1000 |
Mega Swiv | 100 |
Mega Turrican | 250 |
Mercs | 175 |
Michael Jacksons Moonwalker | 300 |
Mickey Mania | 125 |
Micro Machines | 100 |
Micro Machines 2 | 125 |
Micro Machines 96 | 125 |
Micro Machines Military | 150 |
Mig 29 | 75 |
Might & Magic | 100 |
Monopoly | 75 |
Mortal Kombat | 100 |
Mortal Kombat 2 | 100 |
Mortal Kombat 3 | 200 |
Ms Pacman | 125 |
Muhammed Ali Boxing | 75 |
Mutant League Hockey | 500 |
Mutant Leaugue Football | 100 |
Mystic Defender | 100 |
NBA action 95 | 50 |
NBA allstars | 50 |
NBA hangtime | 50 |
NBA jam | 50 |
NBA Jam TE | 50 |
NBA live 95 | 50 |
NBA live 96 | 50 |
NBA live 97 | 50 |
NBA showdown | 50 |
NHLPA 93 | 25 |
NHL 94 | 75 |
NHL 95 | 75 |
NHL 96 | 75 |
NHL 97 | 75 |
Nigel Mansell Indycar | 50 |
Normys Beach Babe-o-rama | 400 |
Olympic Games | 50 |
Olympic Gold | 50 |
Ottifants | 50 |
Outrun | 250 |
Outrun 2019 | 250 |
Pac Panic | 75 |
Pacmania | 75 |
Pagemaster | 100 |
Paperboy | 75 |
Paperboy 2 | 100 |
PGA European Tour | 50 |
PGA Tour Golf | 50 |
PGA Tour Golf 2 | 50 |
PGA Tour Golf 3 | 50 |
PGA Tour Golf 96 | 50 |
Phantasy Star 2 | 300 |
Phantasy Star 3 | 250 |
Phantasy Star 4 | 500 |
Phelios | 300 |
Pier Solar | 350 |
Pier Solar – Reprint Edition | 350 |
Pink goes to Hollywood | 100 |
Pinoccio | 200 |
Pirates of dark water | 500 |
Pit fighter | 75 |
Pitfall | 75 |
Pocahontas | 125 |
Populous | 75 |
Power Drive | 50 |
Power rangers | 150 |
Power Rangers 2 | 150 |
Powermonger | 75 |
Predator 2 | 250 |
Premier Manager 97 | 50 |
Primal Rage | 100 |
Prince of Persia | 250 |
Prince of Persia 2 | 350 |
Probotector | 500 |
Psycho Pinball | 100 |
Puggsy | 100 |
Quackshot Donald Duck | 125 |
Radical Rex | 250 |
Rambo 3 | 300 |
Ranger X | 175 |
Raw Wrestlings rudest and roughest | 50 |
Real Monsters | 150 |
Red zone | 175 |
Revolution X | 100 |
Rings of power | 125 |
Rise of the robots | 50 |
Risky Woods | 75 |
Ristar | 900 |
Road Rash | 100 |
Road Rash 2 | 125 |
Road Rash 3 | 150 |
Robocop 3 | 200 |
Robocop vs Terminator | 300 |
Rock N Roll Racing | 250 |
Rocket Knight Adventures | 450 |
Rolling Thunder | 125 |
Rolling Thunder 2 | 125 |
Rolling Thunder 3 | 125 |
Rolo to the resque | 75 |
Royal Rumble | 50 |
Saint Sword | 250 |
Sampras Tennis | 50 |
Sampras Tennis 96 | 50 |
Samurai Showdown | 250 |
Seaquest DSV | 300 |
Second samurai | 175 |
Sega sports 1 (3 spel i 1) | 50 |
Sensible Soccer | 25 |
Separation Anxiety – Spider-Man & Venom | 350 |
Shadow of the Beast | 100 |
Shadow of the Beast 2 | 125 |
Shadow Dancer | 250 |
Shadowrun | 125 |
Shaq Fu | 75 |
Sherlock Holmes | 150 |
Shining Force | 400 |
Shining Force 2 | 500 |
Shining In the Darkness | 250 |
Shinobi | 300 |
Shinobi 3 | 350 |
Side pocket | 75 |
Skitchin | 100 |
Slam Masters | 500 |
Smash TV | 75 |
Smurfarna | 100 |
Snake Rattle Roll | 150 |
Soleil | 750 |
Sonic | 100 |
Sonic 2 | 125 |
Sonic 3 | 200 |
Sonic 3D | 175 |
Sonic and Knuckles | 250 |
Sonic Compilation | 200 |
Sonic Spinball | 125 |
Space Harrier 2 | 100 |
Speedball 2 | 75 |
Speedy Gonsales | 100 |
Spider-man | 100 |
Spider-man Marvel Comics | 300 |
Spider-man vs X-man | 100 |
Spirou | 150 |
Splatterhouse 2 | 500 |
Spot Goae to Hollywood | 100 |
Star Trek | 300 |
Starflight | 75 |
Stargate | 75 |
Steel Talons | 100 |
Street smart | 100 |
Streetfighter 2 | 100 |
Streetracer | 50 |
Streets of Rage | 175 |
Streets of Rage 2 | 250 |
Streets of Rage 3 | 350 |
Strider | 75 |
Strider 2 | 175 |
Sub Terrania | 300 |
Summer Challenge | 50 |
Sunset Riders | 300 |
Super Fantasy Zone | 450 |
Super Hang on | 75 |
Super Hydlide | 175 |
Super Kick off | 25 |
Super league baseball | 25 |
Super Monaco GP | 50 |
Super Monaco GP 2 | 75 |
Super off road | 250 |
Super Skidmarks | 100 |
Super Street Fighter 2 | 125 |
Super Thunderblade | 75 |
Superman | 100 |
Sword of Sodan | 150 |
Sword of Sodan 2 | 150 |
Sword of Vermillion | 100 |
Sylvester & Tweety | 100 |
Syndicate | 125 |
Talespin | 100 |
Talmits adventure | 100 |
Taz in Escape f. Mars | 125 |
Tazmania | 125 |
Team USA Basketball | 50 |
Techno clash | 75 |
Technocop | 75 |
Terminator | 100 |
Terminator 2 | 100 |
Terminator 2 Judgement day | 200 |
Test Drive The Duel | 50 |
The Adventure of Mighty Max | 200 |
The Chaos Engine | 125 |
The Landmower Man | 150 |
The Lost World | 250 |
The Ooze | 300 |
The Punisher | 500 |
The Simpsons Nightmare | 250 |
The Story of Thor | 250 |
Theme Park | 100 |
Thunder Force 2 | 175 |
Thunder Force 4 | 300 |
Time Killers | 500 |
Tintin i Tibet | 200 |
Tiny Toon Advrntures Busters Hidden | 100 |
Tiny Toon Advrntures ACME Allstars | 100 |
TMNT Hyperstone Heist | 400 |
TMNT Turtles Tournament Fighters | 250 |
Toejam & Earl | 125 |
Toejam & Earl 2 | 125 |
Toki | 200 |
Total Football | 50 |
Toy Story | 100 |
True lies | 150 |
Truxton | 300 |
Turbo Outrun | 150 |
Turrican | 250 |
Twin Hawk | 250 |
Two Crude Dudes | 50 |
Two tribes – Populous 2 | 75 |
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 | 250 |
Ultimate Soccer | 25 |
Universal soldier | 100 |
Urban Strike | 75 |
Warlock | 100 |
Warpspeed | 125 |
Vectorman | 175 |
Where in time is Carmen | 100 |
Where in world Carmen | 100 |
Whirl Wind Snooker | 75 |
Williams arcade | 50 |
Wimbledon Tennis | 50 |
Winter Challenge | 50 |
Winter Olympics 94 | 50 |
Virtua fighter 2 | 125 |
Virtua Racing | 75 |
Virtual Pinball | 75 |
Virtual Bart | 175 |
Wiz & Liz | 100 |
Wonder Boy 3: Monster Lair | 175 |
Wonderboy in Monster World | 150 |
World Class Leaderboard Golf | 50 |
World Cup Italia 90 | 25 |
World Cup USA 94 | 50 |
World of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse | 125 |
Worms | 150 |
VR Troopers | 100 |
Wrestlemania | 50 |
Xenon 2 | 75 |
X-Men | 450 |
X-Men 2 Clone Wars | 450 |
Yogi Bear | 100 |
Young Indiana Jones | 175 |
Zany Golf | 50 |
Zero The Kamikaze Squirrel | 500 |
Zero Tolerance | 100 |
Zero wing | 250 |
Zombies | 250 |
Zool | 75 |
Zoom | 75 |
Zoop | 50 |